Welcome to Gali's Webpage

Love Dan and Maria Nielsen

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Today we got to celebrate birthdays for 3 of Gali's friends: Biruk, Christopher and Chloe. We had a great time! Happy Birthday Friends.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Friday, October 2, 2009

Finally a new post with more pictures!


At the Zoo!!

At the music concert!

San Clemente beach, wanting to be a mermaid!!

Showing off her tattoo from C&C


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Gali's new friends!

About 5 weeks ago, our precious kitty, Kyle, passed away. We were all sad to loose such a special friend. However, after a few days we decided to adopt 2 kitties, Monchies, and Vasco. They are super precious and have become Gali's new friends! 

Playing some games!

Fun, fun and more fun!!

Maria and her mom.


Here is what the nursery looks like.

Daddy's pride and joy!!

Pregnancy!! Here are some photos of Maria's Pregnancy

Pregnancy!! Here are some photos of Maria's Pregnancy
Maria with her lovely sister Yolanda at about 3 months pregnant!

In Hawaii at about 5 months pregnant.

Christmas—at about 6 months!

Just about to pop at 39 weeks!!!